Getting ready for work in the morning is such a boring routine for me anymore. I wake up between 5:30am and 6:30am only to hop in the shower, eyes still half open. I get out of the shower and lather up with the lotion. Picking clothes out is it's own chore because I have the worst selection; but once I
finally pick something, it's off to do the makeup/hair. I'm not sure why I've included both into the same sentence; it seems they are two seperate projects.
Makeup seems to always take priority, while my hair sits in the big green clip dripping still from the shower. And why is it that whenever it comes time to sharpen my eyeliner pencil, my trashcan is full? Full--in the sense that there is a hanger coming out and 50 other large objects occupying this little 12" can. Shreddings
everywhere! Even my makeup is a routine with the foundation, blush, eyeliner, light eyeshadow and powder over it all.
Sometimes my hair will take complete backburner status and I won't even dry it fully. Understand, my hair is quite long and takes a significant amount of time to dry with my even still hardworking blowdryer. But when I do dry it completely, it parts to the same direction. On the occasion I curl it [if I spend the time]; but with the curl, it still goes the same way.
I'm that type of girl. This is me.